devon islandfunction: geographical name island nunavut, canada, in e parry islands n of baffin island area 20,861 square miles (54,239 square kilometers)
dic;tyo;stele pronunciation: function: noun date: circa 1902 : a stele in which the vascular cylinder is broken up into a longitudinal series or network of vascular strands around a central pith (as in many ferns)
asym;met;ri;cal pronunciation: variant(s): or asym;met;ric function: adjective etymology: greek asymmetria lack of proportion, from asymmetros ill-proportioned, from a- + symmetros symmetricaldate: 1690 1 : not symmetrical2 usually asymmetric of a carbon atom : bonded to four different atoms or groups— asym;met;ri;cal;ly adverb — asym;me;try noun
dis;pas;sion;ate pronunciation: function: adjective date: 1594 : not influenced by strong feeling; especially : not affected by personal or emotional involvement lt;a dispassionate criticgt; lt;a dispassionate approach to an issuegt;synonyms see fair— dis;pas;sion;ate;ly adverb — dis;pas;sion;ate;ness noun